
  • minced meat lamb or beef : 200 Grams
  • Green beans: 200 Grams
  • One medium onion
  • Tomato paste -as much as needed
  • Cooked Rice: half a kilogram
  • Tomato: 2 medium sized ones
  • saltpeppertumeric 


Well first we start by chopping the onion into small pieces and placing it on a medium heat in pan, let the onions fry for a little while and then add the minced meat to it, the mixture of meat and onion fry together and then add some tomato paste along side salt and pepper to it. I also like to add tumeric, it gives the rice a better color. I said as much tomato paste as you want but I usually add two spoons, it is enough to give the meat some color and also not ruin the whole taste of the meat. We allow the meat to be stire fried a little longer and then we add the cut green beans, some people cook the beans in hot water for a little while or better say steam the beans but I don’t do that. I also usually add some saffron with hot water to it, but that’s purely being Persian and you don’t have to do it. Now that the beans have been added, we add a little hot water to the whole thing and allow the beans to cook inside the meat and then add the cut tomatoes to the whole thing, don’t add too much water as it won’t evaporate and later on it will make your rice very sticky. When the whole thing is ready, we go and prepare the rice.

Mix 2/3 off the cooked rice in a bowl with the meat and beans mixture on to the rice, mix it throughly to make sure the rice and the mixture have been fully mixed to avoid white rice areas inside the mixed rice. Put 1/3 of the rice on te bottom of a pot. Allow the rice to bake on medium keeping the lid on the pot, it takes about 15 minutes and then it’s ready.

Serve with yoghurt

{15 februari 2022} {Tags: , , }